Veganer Milchreis mit Haferdrink

Rice pudding with oat milk: the best recipe and important tips

rice pudding with oat milk is a killer – whether as a dessert or for brunch with friends. Why? Because it is so incredibly sweet, full of flavour and heavenly creamy. Topped with cinnamon and fresh fruit, also children love it. In addition,vegan rice pudding with plantbased milk is more digestible than with cow's milk. The preparation is super easy: All you need is a saucepan, a few ingredients and a little patience while cooking.


Oat milk vs. cow's milk for rice pudding: nutritional values and taste

Rice pudding is traditionally prepared with cow's milk: for the basic Rice pudding recipe round grain rice is cooked with milk and then seasoned with spices.

What are the advantages of vegan rice pudding?

Compared to milk, oat milk has roughly the same number of calories, but scores with more fiber.

A huge advantage is that oat milk does not contain any lactose and is therefore tolerated by most people. The mildly sweet taste of vegan oat milk goes well with rice pudding and is soft, similar to whole milk.

Which oat milk is best for vegan rice pudding?

Wir mögen unseren Haferdrink ungesüßt

Organic, sweetened or with chocolate: there is a wide variety of oat milk. In theory, all options are suitable for rice pudding – it all depends on what you want.

Unsweetened oat milk scores with less sugar and makes the rice pudding not quite as sweet. But you can help with date syrup, maple syrup or coconut blossom sugar after cooking.

If you use a sweetened milk when cooking, the rice pudding will also be sweeter.

Vanilla or chocolate-flavored oat milk give the rice pudding recipe a whole new twist – it's worth trying!

Cooking with oat drink: no problem at all

Are you wondering whether the milk alternative made from oats is even suitable for cooking? A very clear yes! It can be boiled just like whole milk. The fact that it doesn't contain as much protein even reduces the risk of boiling over... Practical, isn't it? Oat drink contains a lot of starch, which only makes the rice pudding even creamier.

Can I also use other plant-based milk for rice pudding?

Yes. Vegan rice pudding can also be prepared with other plant-based milk, such as almond milk. But: the creamy consistency and the full-bodied taste of oat milk make the rice porridge incomparably good.


Recipe for vegan rice pudding with oat milk

Got hungry? Good. Here is a simple recipe for rice pudding with oat milk that you will love.

Ingredients for 4 servings of rice pudding:

  • 250 g rice pudding
  • 1 l oat milk (unsweetened)
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 vanilla bean
  • 3 tbsp maple syrup


  1. Halve the vanilla bean lengthways and scrape out the pulp.
  2. Mix rice, oat drink, vanilla and salt in a saucepan and bring to the boil over medium heat.
  3. Reduce the heat and cook the rice over low heat for about 30 minutes until the rice is soft. Important: stir regularly, especially towards the end.
  4. As soon as the rice pudding is soft, stir in the maple syrup. Turn off the stove, cover with a lid and let it soak for 10 minutes. Season with other spices (see below) and sweeteners of your choice and serve with your favorite toppings. The recipe is enough for four servings.

Tips from the Wholey team

  • Dust with cinnamon before serving.
  • If you like it fruity: zest of a lemon or orange spices up the rice pudding.

Cold rice pudding as an alternative

Rice pudding also tastes delicious when cold. Simply let the porridge cool and store in a Tupperware jar in the refrigerator. If necessary, warm it up with a dash of vegetable milk.


Delicious variations for rice pudding with oat milk

Milchreis mit Hafermilch getoppt mit Nussmus und Beeren 

It all depends on the spices

Cinnamon always works – especially with rice pudding. So don't skimp on it. Vegan rice pudding in combination with cinnamon and fresh berries or nectarines tastes particularly good.

Coconut sugar gives the rice a caramel-sweet note. If you like it a little more special, you can also rely on freeze-dried fruits – they are fruity-aromatic and have an intense taste. Or how about a chocolate-caramel carob powder? Lucuma or Maca are also really good.

Toppings, toppings, toppings

Rice pudding can be topped to your heart's desire, mood and hunger: How do fresh fruits, coconut chips, nuts, syrup, warm fruit or cocoa nibs sound? Even granola goes. Be creative and create your favorite bowl!



Warm rice pudding with oat drink for breakfast

For all those who like to have a warm breakfast without needing to cook for hours: The Wholey Hot Breakfast Bowls with filling rice pudding flakes made from whole grain are ready in a few minutes and you only need water for the preparation. Rice pudding with rice flakes works without cooking! We already have oat drink powder in the porridge - that's why the vegan rice pudding is wonderfully creamy even with water.

Our Hot Breakfast Bowls with wholegrain rice flakes are available in three varieties.

"Mango pineapple"Banana, mango, pineapple and coconut bring hot tropic vibes to your breakfast table. The bowl and fruity-sweet, wonderfully fresh and unmistakably creamy-good!

Mango Pineapple Hot Breakfast Bowl

"Banana Chocolate"impresses with cocoa, banana and carob powder, coconut blossom sugar, fine-sweet chocolate pieces and bourbon vanilla. This makes the rice pudding super sweet and incredibly chocolatey.

Banana Chocolate Hot Breakfast Bowl

"Sweet Ceylon"is your sweet feel-good moment with cinnamon: The bowl is sweetened with coconut blossom sugar and does not need any flavor enhancers or industrial sugar. 

Sweet Ceylon Hot Breakfast Bowl

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