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Wholey Life

Himbeeren und Brombeere

How do we calculate the carbon footprint for our products?

Whether with pineapple, dragon fruit or açaí: one smoothie bowl a day keeps the doctor away – we agree. But while you're spooning, do you ever ask yourself what impact you're having on the environment by buying our products? Us...

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Nachhaltige Verpackungen

How can we make packaging sustainable?

Here a coffee to go, there a salad packaged in plastic for on the go: According to the Federal Environment Agency, around 19 million tons of packaging waste were generated in Germany in 2018. That's around 230 kilograms per person...

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Bio-Orangen ohne Pestizide

What are the benefits of organic food?

You cannot recognize the highest organic quality at first glance. If you take a closer look, it becomes clear: organic food is far superior to products from conventional agriculture. It's worth going organic: not only our health benefits from the...

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Wholey unterstützt die Initiative Rosi im Kampf gegen Krebs

Together against cancer: Wholey x Initiative Rosi

For several weeks we have been supporting the Berlin project “Initiative Rosi”, which is being implemented at the Charité. With this project, the initiators Prof. Jalid Sehouli and Tina Müller are committed to enabling women suffering from cancer to have...

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Blog posts

Cerealien zum Frühstück: So wird die Zuckerfalle zum gesunden Genuss

Cereals for breakfast: This is how the sugar trap becomes a healthy pleasure

Sweet, crunchy and colorful: We love cereals - because nothing beats a bowl of our childhood memories for breakfast! Breakfast cereals have become a timeless favorite that lets us start the day with a big grin - no matter what...

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Nüsse sind gesund: Das sind die vielen Benefits

Nuts are healthy: these are the many benefits

Trail mix doesn't get its name by chance - nuts are said to improve brain function, among many other health benefits. We want to know: How can nuts have a positive effect on health, which nuts should we definitely snack...

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Give me sugar baby: Wie viel Zucker am Tag ist ungesund?

Give me sugar baby: How much sugar a day is unhealthy?

We love it and just can't resist it: sugar. Whether it's a cinnamon roll, ice cream or donut - the sweet temptation lurks around every corner and often hides in drinks, sauces or snacks. No wonder we eat way too...

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