Kürbis Pancakes mit Granola und gerösteten Pekannüssen

Pumpkin pancakes with granola and roasted pecans

Sweeten up the gray fall and get cozy! These pancakes have everything you need for a cozy weekend morning: they're fluffy yet firm, sweet, spicy, a little tangy, and packed with pumpkin and autumnal spices. On top of that, they're vegan, wheat flour-free, and super easy to make - all you need is a blender, a bowl, and 20 minutes of time.

Pancakes mit Löffel

Top the spicy Pumpkin Pancakes with fresh coconut yogurt, sweet maple syrup, crunchy granola and toasted pecans... Sounds like a plan for next Sunday, right?

Have fun with the re-baking!

Ingredients for the pumpkin pancakes (2 people)

Kürbis Pancakes Zutaten in Schälchen

  • 1 walnussgroßes Stück Ingwer
  • 100 g Kürbismus
  • ca. 150 ml Haferdrink
  • 1 TL Apfelessig
  • 2 TL Ahornsirup
  • 150 g Buchweizenmehl
  • 1 TL Backpulver
  • ½ TL Zimt
  • ¼ TL Nelke, gemahlen
  • ¼ TL Muskatnuss, gemahlen
  • Kokosöl zum Ausbacken
  • 2 EL gehackte Pekannüsse



  1. IPeel and finely grate the ginger. Mix pumpkinism, oat drink, apple cider vinegar, maple syrup and grated ginger in blender.
  2. In a bowl, combine buckwheat flour, baking powder, cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg. Add pumpkin mixture and mix with a spoon until smooth. If necessary, add more oat drink if the dough seems too firm.
  3. IHeat ½ tsp coconut oil in a frying pan. When pan is hot, fry two tablespoons batter at a time until golden brown (about 3 minutes per side). At the same time, in a separate pan, toast pecans without oil until they start to become fragrant.
  4. Stack pancakes on a plate, top with a dollop of coconut yogurt and drizzle with maple syrup. Sprinkle granola and pecans on top and dust with cinnamon.

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