Whether as a spread, for cooking or as a topping for your smoothie bowl: nut butters are always a good idea, versatile and prepared in no time. Here you will find instructions on how you can quickly prepare your own nut butter. For the almond paste you need 300 grams of shelled almonds and a powerful mixer with a pestle.

This is how you make dark almond paste:
Gluten-free, vegan
Preparation time: 200 min
Yields approximately 300 g
👉 For light almond butter, use peeled almonds instead.
It's that easy:
1. Soak the almonds in water for 2-3 hours and then rinse with cold water.
2. Preheat the oven to 180° C and lightly toast the almonds on a baking tray for 5-10 minutes (until they begin to smell).

3. The almond butter must be mixed in several steps, otherwise it will be too warm and the fat will not have enough time to come out properly.
3.1. In the first step, grind the almonds into a fine flour for about 1 minute.

3.2. In the 2nd step, mix for another minute and pause again for 10 minutes.
4. Repeat this process until the puree has a fine, creamy consistency. Before each mixing process, push the mixture that sticks to the edge back into the mixture using a scraper.
5. You can store the puree in screw-top jars. Over time an oil film forms. This is completely normal.
Quick no bake muesli bars with almond butter
Vegan chocolate angel eyes with hazelnut filling