Süße Sünde: Vegane Tiramisu Breakfast Bowl mit Feigen

Sweet sin: Tiramisu Breakfast Bowl with figs

Dessert? Breakfast? Both!

The Tiramisu Breakfast Bowl sweetens your morning and lets you start the day with a fat grin. However, you can not really speak of a sin: Unlike the original, this version is made with sprouted porridge, coconut yogurt and dark chocolate instead of cream, mascarpone and coffee.

Ingredients for the Tiramisu Breakfast Bowl

The highlight is the topping of caramelized figs, which in combination with rosemary not only taste absolutely delicious, but also bring a Bella Italia feeling home to you in no time. It's definitely worth trying out!

Ingredients for the Tiramisu Breakfast Bowl (1 serving)

  • 30 g Super Porridge Cocoa Tigernut
  • 60 ml vegetable milk
  • 100 g coconut yogurt
  • 20 g dark chocolate
  • 1 tablespoon baking cocoa
  • 1 fresh fig
  • a few sprigs of rosemary


  1. Mix Cocoa Tigernut Super Porridge with vegetable milk in a glass and put in the refrigerator for half an hour. Spread 70 g of coconut yogurt over the porridge.
  2. Melt chocolate in a water bath or in the microwave, mix with cocoa powder and the remaining yogurt and carefully spread over the coconut yogurt. Place in the refrigerator for an hour or overnight.Wash and dry the fig and cut in half lengthwise. Press the cut side into coconut blossom sugar, place in a hot pan and allow to caramelize. Cut caramelized fig in half again if needed.
  3. Tiramisu Bowl topped with figs and rosemary sprigs and enjoy La Dolce Vita.

Tiramisu Breakfast Bowl with fig and rosemary

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