Vegane Ernährung unterstützt den Umweltschutz

How you can protect the environment with your diet

A vegan diet is good for the climate

World Environment Day takes place annually on June 5th. The United Nations established it in 1972 to promote global awareness and action to protect the environment. The day is now being celebrated in over 150 countries and is intended to encourage encouragement and to make everyone aware that everyone can do something for the earth - let's just start with our diet!

What we eat not only has a huge impact on our health, but also on our environment. In this blog post you will find out why a diet without meat, milk, eggs and other animal products is more sustainable and how you can easily change your diet. Because that's not only good for the environment and the climate, but also for your health.

A vegan diet can effectively reduce the CO₂ footprint

The meat industry is one of the most polluting industries in the world, because livestock and animal husbandry cause high greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, many natural areas are required for the cultivation of animal feed and the construction of animal farms.

Doing without meat and animal products is much more environmentally friendly. The exact effects are made clear by a study: Researchers at the University of Oxford found that a vegan diet is the best single measure to reduce the environmental impact on earth. According to the study, a vegan lifestyle can reduce a person's carbon footprint by up to 73%. This means that doing without animal products is even more effective than doing without a car or air travel.

If everyone on earth stopped eating meat, the arable land could be reduced by around 75% worldwide. This area would correspond to the size of the USA, China, Australia and the EU combined. This reduction would significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

According to the study, the remaining farmland would still be enough to feed the world's population. In addition, the rainforests could recover from environmental damage and threatened animal species would have a larger habitat again.

We'll tell you how you can avoid environmental pollution through your diet.


3 tips for an environmentally friendly diet

Granatapfel bringt Abwechslung in vegane Ernährung 

1) Less is more! Reduce your meat consumption.

If you are not currently a vegetarian or vegan, you can change your diet in small steps. For example, you can introduce three to four meat-free days a week and gradually improve. And at some point there will be seven days that you will spend without consuming any meat or sausage.

2) Replace eggs with plant-based alternatives

Eggs in cake batter are usually not necessary at all. You can simply replace them with soy flour, applesauce, bananas or vegan egg substitutes. Just give it a try the next time you bake a cake.

3) There are also great alternatives for cow's milk

There is now a huge range of plant-based milk available. Oat, almond or soy milk also taste good in coffee. They are also ideal for smoothies. But great drinks can also be mixed with coconut or nut milk - or you can simply enjoy the milk alternatives neat.


The Oxford University study shows that a vegan diet has positive effects on people, animals and the environment. Eliminating animal products from the menu or at least reducing them is therefore a simple and effective way of protecting the environment. In addition, your health benefits from a vegan diet.

Questioning one's own diet and making purchasing decisions more consciously is also a major concern of Wholey. We believe in the power of plants and support a vegan diet with our brand. All of our ingredients also come from organic farming. We only work with farmers who are committed to ecological management and thus promote soil fertility and avoid environmental damage through the use of pesticides.  

Swell: shows-vegane-ernaehrung-reduziert-co2-fussabdruck-um-73/


Original study: 

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