Our product developer Kassandra explains: What you should know about spirulina
Refreshing – and blue like the ocean: This is our Ocean Bowl. In addition to banana, pineapple and mint, dates, zucchini and coconut butter are also responsible for the fruity, fresh taste. The superfood spirulina, on the other hand, provides the intense blue color of the popular Insta-Bowl. And although the algae is tasteless, it is the secret star of our Ocean Bowl. How come? You'll find out in today's article about the colorful superalgae.
What is Spirulina? Hard facts at a glance: Occurrence and cultivation
Spirulina is a so-called cyanobacterium - but the superfood is better known as a blue-greenish algae. Spirulina gets its bright color from the pigment phycocyanin, which the alga also uses to capture light for photosynthesis.[1]
What exactly was that again? Here is the definition in short form: As part of the physiological process of photosynthesis, plants, in this case spirulina, use water, carbon dioxide and light to produce glucose and oxygen. With the help of solar energy, organic and energy-rich substances are obtained from inorganic and low-energy substances.
Incidentally, spirulina has been carrying out this process for 3.5 billion years - because even though it has only gained popularity in recent years, the algae is one of the best-known fossils in existence. It grows in mineral-salt water with a high pH value of 9 to 11 and requires a lot of sun and warmth. For the ready-to-eat form as powder or capsules, the algae is extracted in shallow saltwater basins so that the biomass can be dried and further processed with hot air or sunlight.
How healthy is the superfood spirulina?
Blue-green algae is considered one of the most nutrient-rich foods of our time and has truly earned the name “superfood”. It contains important amino acids that serve as building blocks for the formation of proteins. Proteins, in turn, take on various functions in our body - one of which is building muscle.
This makes the algae an interesting addition to their diet, especially for athletes. But that's not all - spirulina also contains many vitamins, trace elements and minerals such as iron, potassium, copper, manganese, iodine, gamma-linolenic acid and B vitamins.
The algae, which, unlike the equally popular superfood Spirulina Chlorella, does not have a cell nucleus, also has a high bioavailability of beta-carotene, which can be converted into vitamin A in the body. Carotenoids, which include beta-carotene, generally act as antioxidants. They intercept harmful radicals and strengthen our immune system as well as the growth of hair and nails.
No wonder that spirulina is often touted as a natural “detoxifier”. Consuming spirulina in capsules or powder, in combination with a balanced, plant-based diet, can also help to cover the daily requirements of some important minerals. Sounds healthy? It is too!
Whether as an ingredient in your smoothie bowl or as an addition to your morning smoothie - the superfood spirulina impresses with its many natural and healthy ingredients and, thanks to its blue color, puts you in a good mood. If you would like to find out more about our Ocean Bowl or get inspiration for delicious recipes and suitable toppings, take a look at our Instagram profile .
[1] https://eatsmarter.de/ernaehrung/gesund-ernaehren/8-gruende-why-spirulina-is-so-healthy
[2] https://sci-hub.do/10.1088/1757-899X/509/1/012031
[3] https://www.livescience.com/48853-spirulina-supplement-facts.html
The power lies in the germination: This is what sprouting brings to oats, spelt, etc.