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Kassie's Food Lexicon

Schockfrosten von Lebensmitteln: So bleiben Vitamine erhalten

Shock freezing of food: This is how vitamins are preserved

Flash freezing allows food to be kept for longer, while preserving vitamins and other nutrients. Enjoying seasonal fruit and vegetables all year round without losing flavor sounds too good to be true? Find out all about the advantages and disadvantages...

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Antioxidantien: Wirkung und Vorkommen der schützenden Stoffe

Antioxidants: Effect and occurrence of the protective substances

Well, have you had a colorful meal today? No? The time has come! Bright yellow vegetables, dark red berries and purple root vegetables are not only real eye-catchers and put you in a good mood, they also contain lots of...

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Açaí: Das sind die gesunden Benefits der Superfood-Beere

Açaí: These are the healthy benefits of the superfood berry

In its home country it has been valued for its unique nutrient composition for centuries, but in recent years it has also been making quite an impression here: it is considered the mother of all superfoods and is even celebrated...

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Verschiedene Getreidesorten in Schüsseln

Ancient Grain: Varieties and Benefits of Ancient Grains

You know quinoa from the superfood salad, puffed amaranth as a delicious bowl topping and do you regularly mix spelled flakes into your porridge? Then there are already some original (pseudo) grains on your menu. What is ancient grain varieties...

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gekeimte Haferflocken

The power lies in the germination: This is what sprouting brings to oats, spelt, etc.

Well, germinated today? Okay, okay. We admit: germination doesn't exactly have the coolest image. However, if you regularly end up with oats, nuts or flaxseeds in your breakfast bowl, it's worth taking a closer look at the topic of sprouting. ...

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Superalge Spirulina Super Cubes

Kassie's Food Lexicon: Spirulina fact check

Refreshing – and blue like the ocean: This is our Ocean Bowl. In addition to banana, pineapple and mint, dates, zucchini and coconut butter are also responsible for the fruity, fresh taste. The superfood spirulina, on the other hand, provides the intense blue color of the popular Insta-Bowl. And although the algae is tasteless, it is the secret star of our Ocean Bowl. How come? You'll find out in today's article about the colorful superalgae. 

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Blog posts

Cerealien zum Frühstück: So wird die Zuckerfalle zum gesunden Genuss

Cereals for breakfast: This is how the sugar trap becomes a healthy pleasure

Sweet, crunchy and colorful: We love cereals - because nothing beats a bowl of our childhood memories for breakfast! Breakfast cereals have become a timeless favorite that lets us start the day with a big grin - no matter what...

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Nüsse sind gesund: Das sind die vielen Benefits

Nuts are healthy: these are the many benefits

Trail mix doesn't get its name by chance - nuts are said to improve brain function, among many other health benefits. We want to know: How can nuts have a positive effect on health, which nuts should we definitely snack...

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Give me sugar baby: Wie viel Zucker am Tag ist ungesund?

Give me sugar baby: How much sugar a day is unhealthy?

We love it and just can't resist it: sugar. Whether it's a cinnamon roll, ice cream or donut - the sweet temptation lurks around every corner and often hides in drinks, sauces or snacks. No wonder we eat way too...

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