Ginger-Energy-Balls im Handumdrehen

Ginger-Energy-Balls in 5 minutes

In the afternoons in particular, we often feel the need for something sweet to avoid the well-known afternoon low. Sugar provides quick energy, but it is also - sugar 🤷‍♀️. As a healthier, sugar-free alternative, there are, for example, energy balls, which are made on the basis of dates. They are super sweet, can be refined according to your individual taste and are prepared in no time at all. And since we are masters at pimping recipes with our Wholeys, we have of course also developed our own Energy Ball recipe - starring the Wholey Ginger Shot.

Ingwer-Dattel-Bälle sind ein perfekter Nachmittags Snack

Energy Balls are the perfect afternoon snack in between. Why?

Because of this:

  • Few ingredients
  • Sugar free
  • Prepared quickly
  • All you need is a blender
  • Naturally sweetened

Our Ginger Energy Balls consist of 7 ingredients, but the small balls can also be prepared with even fewer basics. Dates, nuts, oatmeal - that's all you need. The good thing about these little jewels is that they can be designed individually! Don't have a ginger shot? Just try peanut butter. Not into turmeric? Leave it out and just add some cinnamon instead. Never heard of chia seeds? Just replace these with flax or hemp seeds. It's that simple, friends.

Energieballs können super individualisiert werden 

But enough said, here is the recipe for our simple energy balls, sweetened with dates, peppered with oatmeal, pimped with the slightly spicy ginger shot, turmeric and crunchy chia seeds! Full of fiber, protein, and healthy fats.

The recipe for our ginger energy balls 

Preparation time: 5 minutes
For about 12 pieces


20 dates, pitted
1 cup of oatmeal
1/2 cup cashews
4 tbsp chia seeds
1/2 bottle Ginger Shot (60 ml)
2 tsp turmeric powder
1/2 cup desiccated coconut

Preparation of the energy balls

  1. In a blender, mince all of the ingredients, except for the desiccated coconut, until the mixture has a dough-like consistency.

Zutaten im Mixer verkleinern

  1. Divide the mixture into about 12 equal pieces, shape them into balls and then toss them in desiccated coconut.
  2. It is best to let the Energy Balls rest in the refrigerator for 1 to 2 hours.
  3. Enjoy

Quickly made and terribly tasty. The perfect snack for in between.

Have fun copying!

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