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Geburtsdatum: 05.02.1997
Karrierestart: mit 4 Jahren

Breakfast routine: “my portafilter coffee with oat milk”
Lieblings-Bowl: Acai Bowl
Favorite topping: homemade granola


Who are you and what are you doing?

I'm Selin - I play field hockey and study medicine. 

What does your typical daily routine look like?

The first thing you do in the morning is training, before that you usually only have enough time for a coffee. Afterwards we have a hearty breakfast. Then I do everything that needs to be done for university and usually learn a lot. At lunchtime I like to cook myself something light to eat and in the evening I go back to training - often until 10 p.m. 

Selin Oruz Feldhockey


What has been the best moment in your career so far?

The bronze medal in Rio remains the greatest international success and will remain an incredible memory forever. This summer, the German championship title on the field with my Düsseldorf ladies was also a historic success. 

What is important to you in your diet?

Above all, it has to taste good. Especially with all the healthy trends, taste is extremely important to me and should not be left behind. Basically, I have been eating a wheat-free diet for over 6 years and hardly eat meat at all. I enjoy extremes with caution, but it is important to me to always buy fresh and, at best, regionally.


Selin Oruz Feldhockey

What do you usually do in your free time?

There isn't much free time left because of my time-consuming combination of sport and studies. But I like to spend the remaining time with my friends and my family - that is my most valuable pastime.

How has Corona affected your everyday life as a competitive athlete?

My everyday life was characterized by individual training, especially in the early days. You're not used to that as a team sports athlete and as I've found out, I'm not cut out for it either.


“You can recognize me from afar…?”

"I'd have to ask others, but maybe it's because of my joy in telling stories and my good mood (most of the time anyway haha)."

"If I wasn't an athlete, then I would be...?"

"Probably “just” a student with more time for a student life and a love of travel."