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Gesundes Frühstück für Kinder: Rezeptideen und Tipps

Healthy breakfast for children: recipe ideas and tips

Choco Pops, Fruit Gummy Candy, hazelnut nougat cream and Froot Loops were popular highlights on the breakfast table in our childhood - and still fill the shelves of supermarkets. The problem: cereals, cocoa mixes and fruit yoghurts for children pretend...

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Gesundes Frühstück: Starte mit diesen Tipps und Rezepten fit in den Tag

Healthy breakfast: Start your day fit with these tips and recipes

For some it is a sacred ritual, for others it is absolutely unnecessary: ​​breakfast. Do you sometimes skip your first meal of the day or do you fast and only eat at lunchtime? Maybe it's time to rethink your routines....

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Warmes Frühstück: Vorteile und Rezeptideen

Hot breakfast: benefits and recipe ideas

Ayurveda and TCM have confidently secured their place in our Instagram feeds with modern interpretations. Both old teachings rely on warm breakfasts - and on cold days we literally long for a warm breakfast porridge instead of a cold smoothie....

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On the run? 10 leckere Rezeptideen für ein gesundes Frühstück zum Mitnehmen

On the run? 10 delicious recipe ideas for a healthy breakfast to go

No time for a healthy breakfast in the morning? No problem. A take-away breakfast can also be balanced, healthy and super tasty. We have delicious breakfast ideas for you that will let you start the day happy and full, even...

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