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Sport and vegan nutrition - how does that fit together, Jacqueline? #veganuary2021

Many people use January to start the new year with lots of good resolutions. In addition to more sport and exercise, nutrition is often on the list of desired improvements. Veganuary - the word is made up of the word vegan and the English january - is a non-profit organization and campaign that encourages people around the world to go purely plant-based (at least temporarily). to feed. Because we all now know that a plant-based diet is not only one of the most effective measures to protect the environment and our climate, but also to avoid animal suffering and can have a positive effect on our health.

Especially when it comes to exercise, most people think more about their own diet and tend to rule out a plant-based diet because exercise = muscles = lots of protein = lots of meat. The Netflix documentary “The Game Changers” shows very impressively that there is another way, in which various vegan professional athletes are portrayed and achieve enormous achievements with (or perhaps because of) the power of plants.

We spoke to Jacqueline Otchere. She is a #wholeathlete from the very beginning and a pole vaulter. Since she has been following a vegan diet since 2014, she can speak from her own experience and assess how her plant-based diet affects her exercise.

Stabhochspringerin Jacqueline Otchere

What role does nutrition play in your life?

Jacqueline: Nutrition plays a big role in my life. On the one hand, because nutrition is very important in sport, and on the other hand, because I really enjoy cooking and baking and like to try things out.

What motivated you to change your diet and become vegan?

Jacqueline: The whole thing was a gradual process. A documentary about factory farming made me stop eating meat overnight. In the following years, all animal products such as milk, eggs and fish were banned from my diet. While the moral aspects predominated at the beginning, there are now also health and environmental reasons why I no longer want any animals or animal products on my plate. I've been eating completely vegan since around 2014.

Sport and vegan nutrition - how does that fit together? What do you need to pay more attention to, what might be the difficulties?

Jacqueline: Sport and a vegan diet go well together. Just like an omnivore, I also have to make sure that I get all the nutrients and vitamins from my food. And this works very well with a vegan diet. It's more difficult for me or a little more effort when I travel for sport. Over time, I made a list of which foods I always have with me as a back-up if the selection at the hotel or in the surrounding area isn't diverse enough. This has now become a routine for me and I also have a delicious packed food bag with me in addition to my sports bag :)

Jacqueline Otchere im Veganuary

What is your experience when you talk to other athletes about the topic? What is the response to yours?in a dietary style?

Jacqueline: The response so far has always been positive. Many people can't believe that you can achieve such performance with a vegan diet. Most people want to know what I eat, since for many people it's still only the salad that's vegan. I'm always happy when I can inspire others and be a role model for vegan nutrition in competitive sports.

Your tip for changing your diet for beginners?

Jacqueline: Approach the whole thing in a relaxed manner. Look for inspiration on Instagram or online. There are so many great and delicious recipes. Nobody has to make the change overnight.

Simply enter the word “vegan” when searching for your favorite dish online and you will always find great recipes to cook.

And don’t be afraid to try out vegan convenience products too. There are great products, such as vegan cheese, that taste delicious on lasagne or homemade pizza.

What foods do you always have in your pantry?


Jacqueline: Oat or rice milk, buckwheat.

And the ingredients for my absolute favorite dish: LENTIL DAL (Indian vegan curry) by Bianca Zapatka. For the lentil dal, however, I use sprouted lentils, leave out the coconut blossom sugar and add 2-3 heaped spoonfuls of yeast flakes.