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Homemade granola not only brings a wonderful smell to your kitchen and your entire apartment, it is also a healthier alternative to the crunchy mueslis in the supermarket that are often full of sugar.

With all this talk about the crunchy pieces, you may be asking yourself: What exactly is granola ? We have answered this question for you in a separate article and provided tips on how to use and store it.

Our favorite granola recipes

With our smoothie bowls you can conjure up a delicious breakfast every day in no time at all. To make your healthy start to the day as varied as possible, you can also add different toppings to your bowl. One of our favorite toppings is homemade granola. The crunchy muesli is not only great for filling you up, but also provides the necessary crunch in your bowl. Today we're introducing you to our three favorite recipes and telling you how to prepare them.

Top(pings), the bet is valid: granola recipes that always work

Of course, there are plenty of muesli of all kinds in every well-stocked supermarket. But is this crunchy muesli healthy? If you want to keep track of fat and sugar, you have to take action yourself.

However, it will be much tastier if you prepare your granola yourself. Don't worry, you definitely don't have to be a star chef, you just have to have fun and enjoy trying things out in the kitchen.

Granola auf Backpapier mit Holzlöffel

We use oat flakes as a base in our three recipes, which are supplemented with nuts, seeds, baking cocoa, cocoa nibs, coconut chips, dried fruit, dates and coconut oil. Maple syrup and agave syrup also give the granola a delicious crunch when baked or roasted. Doesn't sound that complicated, does it? It isn't. It's actually quite easy to prepare. First prepare the dry ingredients, mix them well with the liquid ingredients and spread the mixture on a baking tray. Then put your granola in the oven for 20 to 30 minutes. Once it has cooled completely, you can fill it into jars and store it for two to three weeks. Even these few steps are too much for you? Then go for the simplest solution, our Crunchy Granola in three flavors!

Nutritious food for the nerves: chocolate granola for the açaí bowl

Chocolate for breakfast is not an option? Are you kidding me? Are you serious when you say that! With our first granola recipe, you can grab a sweet temptation in the morning without feeling guilty. Our Açaí Bowl is the perfect taste partner in crime.


  • 400 g rolled oats, coarse
  • 140 g almonds, roughly chopped
  • 100 g ground almonds
  • 60 g cocoa powder
  • 20 g cocoa chips
  • 100 ml maple syrup
  • 6 tbsp coconut oil
  • 1 pinch of salt


  1. Roughly chop the almonds and mix them in a large bowl with the oat flakes, ground almonds, cocoa powder and a little salt.
  2. Let the oil melt and mix it with the maple syrup. The dry ingredients are then mixed with the liquid ingredients. The last step is to add the cocoa chips.
  3. You then bake your finished mix on a baking tray lined with baking paper at 175° for approx. 25 minutes.
  4. Let your chocolate crunch cool down thoroughly and then fill it into a pretty ceramic container, for example. After all, the eye eats too, right?

The extra portion of good mood: banana bread granola for the tropical bowl

Opposites attract. This also applies to our second granola recipe, which we like to combine with our flavor-intensive Tropical Bowl.

Granola und Nussmus auf gelber Smoothie Bowl


  • 400 g rolled oats, coarse
  • 50 g almond sticks
  • 100 g pecans, coarsely chopped
  • 1 super ripe banana
  • 5 EL coconut oil
  • 3 EL Agave syrup
  • 3 TL cinnamon


  1. Mix the oats, slivered almonds and chopped pecans with a little cinnamon in a large bowl.
  2. In the meantime, let the oil become liquid in a small pot and add the agave syrup - or another liquid sweetener.
  3. Then mash the banana with either a fork or a hand blender and add it to the liquid. Add this mixture to the dry ingredients and mix well.
  4. Spread the mixture evenly on one or two baking trays (make sure they are not overfilled) and bake your granola at 170° for about 20 minutes until it is golden brown. It's best to check the oven every now and then so that the granola doesn't burn.
  5. Then pour your banana bread mix into a tall glass and think of us when you use it to prepare your smoothie bowl :) 

Fruity taste experience: vanilla cranberry granola for the Ocean Bowl

Ready for an exciting journey for your taste buds? Then try our third granola recipe and use it to top our unique Ocean Bowl.


  • 400 g 5-grain flakes
  • 100 g almonds, coarsely chopped
  • 80 g dried cranberries
  • Pulp of 1/2 vanilla bean or vanilla extract
  • Zest of 1/2 lemon
  • 6 tbsp agave syrup
  • 5 EL applesauce
  • 2 tbsp coconut oil


  1. Melt the coconut oil in a pot and mix it well with the agave syrup, the applesauce, the vanilla pod pulp and the lemon zest.
  2. Then mix the oats, coarsely chopped almonds and cranberries in a large bowl. Of course, you can also use other dried fruits according to your taste.
  3. Then add both mixtures together and mix everything together. Then spread the mix out on a tray lined with baking paper and bake at 170° for about 30 minutes. It's best to mix your granola every 15 minutes or so to prevent it from burning.
  4. When your muesli mix has cooled completely, you can pour it into a glass jar or enjoy it immediately.

    Whether alone or together – we hope you have fun preparing it and enjoy your meal afterwards!

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