Sunday morning, 10:30 a.m. You're sitting relaxed with your family at the breakfast table, dreamily sipping your oat milk latte, looking forward to your vegan breakfast and suspecting nothing bad. But as soon as you've taken the first bite of your avocado sandwich, they start: annoying comments about your diet - your VEGAN diet. And not only that: your family is really going full steam ahead today. As vegans, we can't stand hearing these sentences anymore, no matter how hard we try.
"I could be vegetarian. But without cheese? Never."
Honestly, dear sister? We feel you! We probably all thought that before we banned Gouda & Co. from our bread. And yes, it was hard. No wonder: Cheese, like sugar, is said to be addictive. But, surprise: it works. Where there is a will, there is a way. Or just a vegan cheese melt. Of course, you shouldn't expect vegan cheese alternatives to taste like the original. However, the selection of vegan cheese alternatives is now huge - and some come shockingly close to the original. And: You don't have to completely eliminate Emmentaler, Feta & Co. from your menu overnight. Small steps will help you gradually beat your cheese addiction.
"But there's so much calcium in milk."
Yes mom, there is a lot of calcium in cow's milk. However, this does not mean that plants are low in calcium. On the contrary: flax or chia seeds, sesame, almonds, amaranth, soy or green leafy vegetables are optimal, vegan sources of calcium. Almost all plant drinks are now also enriched with calcium. For comparison: a glass of cow's milk (150 ml) contains approx. 180 mg of calcium, a glass of oat drink with added calcium contains exactly the same amount. Next time you want to calm your worried parents - or show off some numbers - just mix a tablespoon of chia seeds and almond butter (about 70 mg of calcium each) into the cereal and wash it all down with a large glass of mineral water (up to 150 mg calcium) down.
“You won’t get full just from eating fruit and greens.”
Your stomach grumbles and your little brother looks worriedly at the breakfast bowl in front of you. “No wonder, I wouldn’t get enough just from fruit and greens.” Okay, wow. Apart from the fact that you haven't gotten around to eating anything thanks to all the comments, this is of course absolute nonsense. After all, you haven't even started properly preparing your breakfast bowl yet. Have you ever heard of toppings? They probably play the main role in yoghurt, porridge and smoothie bowls. Not just for the eye, but also for the good gut feeling. Thanks to three tablespoons of almond butter and half a pack of granola, your smoothie bowl will be half a kilo heavier - at least. Toppings make your “oh-so-vegan breakfast” not only more filling, but also much more nutritious. The brilliant thing: you can adapt it to your cravings – and your hunger – every day. Your brother wrinkles his nose. Today, for once, he refrains from commenting on whether you can even lift the bowl now (haha).
“Vegan sausage – does it really have to be?”
No, that's right, that doesn't have to be the case. It's downright foolish that vegans want to have extra sausage - in the truest sense of the word. After all, meat has a right to be processed as sausage. It's always been that way - and that's why it stays that way. However, the fact that no animals have to die to produce vegan sausage seems to be often swept under the table in the chain of arguments. And: Vegan cold cuts can now definitely compete in taste with meat sausage and salami. To get back to the question: No, of course you don't have to have vegan sausage. But it offers a brilliant introduction to a vegan diet and is perfect for anyone who doesn't want to immediately swap their beloved salami for a fancy lentil and pepper spread.
“Then what can you even eat?”
Good question. It's not like you're already on your second coconut yoghurt and third bread roll. And that's despite your sister having destroyed all the vegan spreads (original quote: "It doesn't taste that bad"). If you think of the classic German breakfast - sausage or cheese bread, boiled egg, milky coffee and Nutella toast - there's obviously not that much left for vegans if milk, cheese, sausage and egg are left out. However, if you're open to new things, you'll quickly notice how varied, fresh and delicious a vegan breakfast can be. Think porridge, scrambled tofu, smoothie bowl ...
"I'm actually almost vegan."
True to the motto “A suffering shared is a suffering halved,” your brother tries to calm the mood with “Now slow down. “I’m actually almost vegan.” However, a careful look at his plate will tell you: But only almost. The comment is meant kindly, but he can't really be serious about the cream cheese bagel and the huge portion of scrambled eggs. He quickly tries to hide the two slices of bacon under his napkin. Too late. He shrugs and looks at you apologetically. But hey, the two slices of cucumber on the bagel and the pinch of chives in the scrambled eggs are definitely vegan. Keep it up, brother. You are on the right path!
Are you in the mood for vegan #breakfastinspo? How about these delicious filled granola cups ? You can find the recipe on our blog. Or take a look at Instagram and be inspired by our smoothie bowls.
How you can protect the environment with your diet
World Nature Conservation Day: What would actually happen if everyone ate a vegan diet?