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Summer, sun - hot flashes! As much as we love the warm temperatures in the summer months, sometimes the heat just gets too uncomfortable. Especially when we're stuck in the office, and despite an easily digestible breakfast , we're already starting to sweat in the first meeting at 9 a.m. and the cooling after-work drink is still a long way off... Sound familiar? Then it's high time to cool down.

Keep it cool: With our tips you can get through the hot days smoothly 😎 

  1. Slurping smoothie

Old, but gold: On hot days, nothing beats a cold smoothie! And rightly so. The colorful drinks not only cool you down in a flash, but are also filled to the brim with fresh fruit. Perfect for a small (or large) vitamin boost between meals or a refreshing summer breakfast . Another advantage: the body can digest the smoothie better than a heavy meal and can therefore invest more energy in cooling down. If a smoothie is too boring for you, you can simply throw a wholey smoothie bowl into the blender and decorate it with your favorite toppings.

Glas mit Smoothie in Gelb

Lean back, close your eyes and enjoy the cooling break!

  1. Water on!

Drinking a lot is not only super important in the heat, but it also helps prevent heat fever. It's best to fill a large carafe with cool, still water and always keep it within easy reach on your desk. A few cucumber slices and mint leaves in the water provide additional cooling. Set a reminder to drink at least one large glass every hour.

“Stay hydrated” also applies to the skin. With a facial spray you can refresh yourself and at the same time do something for your fresh summer glow. Spread the love and treat your plants in the apartment or on the balcony to a few sprays every now and then.

  1. Plan sports according to the temperature

If the temperatures climb beyond 30 degrees Celsius and you're already sweating while standing, a HIIT workout isn't necessarily recommended. You should also definitely avoid jogging in the midday heat - strenuous exertion in high heat can cause life-threatening heat stroke. Better: Train early in the morning or late in the evening when the heat isn't quite as bad. Even better: reduce your exercise schedule in extreme heat. Your body already does enough during a heat wave without you stressing it out with exercise.

  1. Nibbling on coconut

And not just for that tropical feeling on your balcony. Coconut is one of the cooling foods and works wonders on hot summer days. The juicy flesh is therefore the perfect snack in midsummer - or the ideal bowl topping. Coconut water also helps to cool down. It is rich in potassium and sodium, among other things, and thus balances the electrolyte balance, which can easily get out of balance due to the amount of sweating on hot days.

Schale mit Joghurt, Beeren und Minze

Plan B: Coconut yoghurt. Pure or mixed with a few berries, fresh mint and crunchy granola - the light breakfast for summer is ready!

  1. Wear airy clothing

Instead of short skirts or shorts, long, loose-fitting clothing is recommended. This protects your skin from direct sunlight, which additionally heats the body. Tight clothes block the air supply and inhibit the body's ability to cool itself through sweat. Choose light colors and light fabrics made from natural fibers, such as linen or cotton.

  1. Avoid alcohol and coffee

For many amateur athletes, a cold beer is a welcome way to cool down after strenuous sessions. But if you not only want to defy the heat, but also increase your performance, you should switch to alcohol-free alternatives as quickly as possible. Alcohol deprives the body of both fluids and minerals.

Gläser mit Eistee, Minze und Zitrone

Caffeine-containing drinks such as coffee, but also green or black tea, put a strain on the circulatory system at high temperatures. In Ayurveda, coffee is also said to have a heating effect. On the other hand, green tea together with mint and lemon at room temperature can be a wonderfully cooling refreshment.

  1. Properly cool the apartment

As soon as it is warmer outside than inside, the windows should be closed. Therefore, you should ventilate best in the early morning hours or late evening. Open all doors and windows for a draft.

You can achieve a noticeable effect with blinds or awnings. It is important that these are attached to the outside of the window. The effect is much greater than if you try to darken the inside with curtains. As an alternative for greater manual effort, you can also place a thin cloth over the window sash from the outside and clamp it in when closing it so that the window is shielded.

A fan does not cool the air, but swirls it around the room. This allows sweat to evaporate better and the method helps to cool the body. Be careful not to direct the airflow directly at your neck or head to avoid tension and colds.

  1. Hide from the heat

You should avoid the sun, especially during heat waves. Find places with at least tolerable temperatures. You can barricade yourself in your own four walls, go to the cinema or wander around the air-conditioned shopping center.

You can also beat the high temperatures with cold showers. In the office, you can regularly wash your hands with cool water or splash cold water on your face.

Babies, small children and old people are particularly at risk of heat stroke and should stay in cool rooms in hot temperatures.

  1. Cooling foot bath

Grandma already knew that foot baths work wonders. However, they not only help against tired legs, but are also an ideal way to combat the summer heat. All you need is a bucket or large bowl of cold water. The foot bath is particularly perfect for the home office: while you guide your team through the latest figures in a meeting, you can happily splash around in the cool water under the table - and not only keep your feet cool, but also a cool head.

Beine in Pool

Pimp your foot bath: A tablespoon of baking soda (sodium hydrogen carbonate) in the water makes your feet wonderfully supple and suitable for flip flopping.

  1. Arm the body

You can't just follow heat tips in summer. Stay fit all year round and eat a healthy, balanced diet. A strong and healthy body can cope with heat better than people with compromised immune systems. This is weakened by the stress that hot temperatures cause and the susceptibility to infections increases.

  1. Sit back and enjoy the summer

Don't worry if you experience the summer temperatures in your apartment instead of a beach vacation. Try to make the most of the heat and create your own personal oases. With a fresh smoothie bowl on the balcony, an early evening at the lake or in the outdoor pool or mild nights with friends in the city: despite the heat waves, summer also has its good sides.

And finally, our boss tip for the next heat wave: try all the tips at once. This way you can definitely cool down!