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Herzhaftes Tofu Breakfast Scramble

Hearty Tofu Breakfast Scramble

Scrambled eggs, or scrambled tofu, are an absolute must-have on the brunch table and also a delicious vegan, protein-rich breakfast . The version with tofu is in no way inferior to the classic version with eggs and, thanks to turmeric,...

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Nahaufnahme Acai Bowl

Classic Açaí Bowl: Recipe with banana and granola

Add Brazil to your breakfast bowl, please! Coming immediately: This Açaí Superfood Bowl is vegan, refreshing and perfect for a light breakfast in the summer. We love the classic super berry with banana, guarana syrup, granola and peanut butter. The secret to...

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Veganes Picknick im Sommer

Vegan picnic: unusual snacks + the best tips

Warm temperatures, endless sun and a feeling of freedom and lightness... Oh summer, how we missed you! Whether at the lake, in the park or on the beach: the most beautiful time of the year needs to be taken advantage of. Of course, what shouldn't be missing is delicious snacks. After all, there's nothing worse than staring at the filled Tupperware containers on the picnic blanket next door with a growling stomach. 

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Veganes Weihnachtsdessert: 3 festliche Rezepte

Vegan Christmas dessert: 3 festive recipes

Starter and main course of the Christmas menu are ready and now all that's missing is the big finale? This year, surprise your family and friends with a vegan dessert. We provide you with three delicious recipes that will not...

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Joghurt-Granola-Parfaits mit Himbeermarmelade

Yoghurt granola parfaits with raspberry jam

The perfect combination of fresh, fruity, crunchy and healthy? Clearly: our yoghurt cups with homemade raspberry jam and granola. A quick and easy breakfast when you don't have much time in the morning - but you don't want to miss...

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Vegane Ostereier auf Teller

Vegan chocolate Easter eggs

Easter is just around the corner... Do you already know what to put in your loved ones' Easter basket? We have an idea for you. Or rather two: chocolate-peanut Easter eggs and coconut-almond Easter eggs. Our vegan chocolate eggs are...

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Himmlische vegane Vanillekipferl mit Kokos-Ganache

Heavenly vegan vanilla crescents with coconut ganache

Delicate, heavenly vanilla and the absolute classic for Christmas: vanilla crescents are a must on every cookie plate. This version uses vegan ingredients and tastes even better than the original. The highlight is the ganache made from coconut and white...

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Perfekte Kombination aus Açaí Bowl und Porridge

Pimp your Smoothie Bowl #2: Açaí Porridge Bowl

It's clear that we mainly eat our bowls, but since we also need a change in taste, we love experimenting with the bowl base and always develop new, exciting recipes with our four varieties. We'll show you here how you can use very simple tricks to pimp your smoothie bowls and make them taste exciting again and again.

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Frau betrachtet mit Lächeln ihr veganes Frühstück

Your simple vegan breakfast: 5 recipes for a comfortable start to the day

Your favorite blogs are full of quick breakfast ideas for the week and delicious recipes for a hearty brunch at the weekend - but you're missing vegan alternatives? No problem. With our breakfast recipes, you can conjure up a varied...

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Blog posts

Cerealien zum Frühstück: So wird die Zuckerfalle zum gesunden Genuss

Cereals for breakfast: This is how the sugar trap becomes a healthy pleasure

Sweet, crunchy and colorful: We love cereals - because nothing beats a bowl of our childhood memories for breakfast! Breakfast cereals have become a timeless favorite that lets us start the day with a big grin - no matter what...

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Nüsse sind gesund: Das sind die vielen Benefits

Nuts are healthy: these are the many benefits

Trail mix doesn't get its name by chance - nuts are said to improve brain function, among many other health benefits. We want to know: How can nuts have a positive effect on health, which nuts should we definitely snack...

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Give me sugar baby: Wie viel Zucker am Tag ist ungesund?

Give me sugar baby: How much sugar a day is unhealthy?

We love it and just can't resist it: sugar. Whether it's a cinnamon roll, ice cream or donut - the sweet temptation lurks around every corner and often hides in drinks, sauces or snacks. No wonder we eat way too...

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