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Herzhaftes Tofu Breakfast Scramble

Hearty Tofu Breakfast Scramble

Scrambled eggs, or scrambled tofu, are an absolute must-have on the brunch table and also a delicious vegan, protein-rich breakfast . The version with tofu is in no way inferior to the classic version with eggs and, thanks to turmeric,...

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Frau betrachtet mit Lächeln ihr veganes Frühstück

Your simple vegan breakfast: 5 recipes for a comfortable start to the day

Your favorite blogs are full of quick breakfast ideas for the week and delicious recipes for a hearty brunch at the weekend - but you're missing vegan alternatives? No problem. With our breakfast recipes, you can conjure up a varied...

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Kürbis Pancakes mit Granola und gerösteten Pekannüssen

Pumpkin pancakes with granola and toasted pecans

Sweeten the gray autumn and make yourself comfortable! These pancakes have everything you need for a cozy weekend morning: They are fluffy yet firm, sweet, spicy, a little spicy and packed with pumpkin and autumnal spices. On top of that,...

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Buchweizen Porridge in Schale mit goldenem Löffel

Buckwheat porridge with vanilla and apple-blueberry puree

Like millet, buckwheat is a wonderful alternative to oatmeal if you are on a gluten-free diet or just want to change up your porridge a bit. The small grains enrich your breakfast with lots of protein, fiber and minerals such...

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Baked Oats in Topf

Baked oats with a liquid chocolate center: vegan & easy

Baked porridge has taken foodie hearts by storm. A breakfast that is as healthy as porridge and tastes like cake at the same time? We have to have it! This creation goes one step further and completes the culinary delight...

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Hirse Porridge mit Erdbeer-Rhabarberkompott

Millet porridge with strawberry-rhubarb compote

Porridge can be different! It doesn't always have to be oatmeal to get you going in the morning. You can also make a delicious breakfast from millet grains and top it with our fruity strawberry-rhubarb compote. This vegan porridge recipe...

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Pinkes Frühstück im Glas auf rosa Hintergrund

Fruity Vanilla Açaí Bowl: Cold-warm combination in a glass

Is a smoothie bowl too cold in the morning, a warm cereal porridge too warm or just too boring? Then we have the perfect mixture for a balanced breakfast: The basis is a porridge made from millet flakes, refined with...

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Bratapfel Mylkrice mit Mandeln

Baked apple Mylkrice with almonds

There's nothing like warming rice pudding with apple and cinnamon - if only it didn't involve the annoying cooking. And who has the time and inclination to spend hours at the stove the next morning? No, no, no. There's a...

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