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Whether it's porridge, overnight oats or granola: oat flakes are now an integral part of many people's healthy breakfast . No wonder: the cereal flakes are prepared in no time, score points with their incredible variety and, on top of that, provide plenty of healthy nutrients to start the day.

Here you will find out why you can treat yourself to oatmeal every morning with peace of mind. 

  • How healthy is oatmeal for breakfast?
  • Soaking and sprouting: This is what you need to pay attention to
  • Simple recipe: Creamy mango overnight oats with coconut
  • How healthy is oatmeal for breakfast?

    Anyone who starts their day with toast and jam or something from the bakery will know that the sweet breakfast is great for the first boost of energy, but doesn't really keep you full for long - your stomach will growl again by 12 p.m. at the latest.

    Your morning looks different with oatmeal: the cereal flakes are real fillers. Why?


    Oat flakes contain 10 grams of fiber per 100 grams. The indigestible plant fibers serve as food for health-promoting bacteria in the large intestine and also keep you full for a long time.

    Another advantage is that they have a positive influence on blood sugar levels and ensure that they only rise slowly. This protects you from lack of concentration and food cravings.

    A very special fiber in oats deserves special mention: beta glucan. It binds cholesterol in the intestines and helps lower cholesterol levels naturally.

    The German Nutrition Society recommends 30 grams of fiber per day. With 100 grams of oatmeal in the morning, you already cover a third of your daily fiber requirements - with breakfast alone.

    Good Carbs

    The flakes consist largely of complex carbohydrates, which provide the body with long-term energy because they are released into the blood more slowly than simple carbohydrates from table sugar or wheat.

    Keyword: sugary crunchy mueslis, muesli bars or cereals. They usually consist of wheat and a lot of sugar and cause the blood sugar level to go on a rollercoaster.

    Plant protein

    There is also a lot of protein in oat flakes: around 14 grams of vegetable protein per 100 grams. This is not only ideal for athletes who want to have a healthy breakfast before or after training, but also for anyone who wants to stay full for a long time.

    Vitamins and minerals

    But a breakfast with oatmeal can do more than just fill you up: it also contains many vitamins and minerals, including lots of iron, magnesium, zinc and vitamin B1.

    In combination with fresh fruits, plant milk and spices, breakfast with oatmeal also provides you with extra vitamins and healthy nutrients.

    Nerd Fact: The plant-based iron in oatmeal can be better absorbed when taken together with vitamin C. That's why always top porridge and breakfast with oatmeal with a few fresh fruits or drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice or smoothie with it.

    Have a healthy breakfast with oatmeal: This is what you have to pay attention to

    So that the healthy breakfast doesn't turn into a cheat meal, you should make sure that you prepare the cereal flakes with other natural ingredients and that you have your topping game under control. We admit: This can be pretty difficult sometimes.

    Oatmeal mit gesunden Toppings

    Most suitable are:

    • unsweetened plant drinks made from oats, almonds or peas
    • Sweetening alternatives such as date syrup, fruits, agave syrup or coconut blossom syrup
    • plant-based yogurt, preferably unsweetened
    • fresh fruits and seasonal fruit
    • Nuts and pure nut butter
    • Chia seeds or flaxseeds
    • Cocoa nibs, coconut flakes and dried fruits
    • warming spices such as cinnamon, ginger or cardamom

    Healthy oatmeal breakfast for a good stomach feeling

    For some, oatmeal is heavy on the stomach in the morning. Soaking overnight makes the cereal flakes more tolerable and easier to digest.

    Tip: Don't eat overnight oats straight out of the fridge the next morning. Enjoy the oatmeal at room temperature.

    Germination makes the difference

    To get the most out of your oat flakes, it's worth letting them germinate . Yes, you heard right. To do this, the oats are soaked in water before being processed into flakes. This process literally brings the oats to life: Not only does the sprout appear, but certain plant hormones and enzymes are also activated, which develop healthy superpowers:

    • Certain substances in oats, such as phytic acid, inhibit the absorption of healthy nutrients and minerals. Germination declares war on nutrient thieves and effectively reduces them. The result: The bioavailability of magnesium, but also iron, zinc and other trace elements, increases. 

    • Through germination, the complex carbohydrates, proteins and fats are broken down into the individual building blocks - long-chain carbohydrates into short-chain carbohydrates, proteins into the individual amino acids and fats into their fatty acids. This means they can be better utilized and absorbed. What does that bring? Protein utilization is optimized and the grain is much easier to digest than ungerminated - hello, good gut feeling!

    You don't have time to germinate whole oat grains and then process them into flakes? No problem! You can buy your sprouted porridge online and use the concentrated superpower of the sprouted grains without any effort.

    Simple recipe: Creamy mango overnight oats with coconut

    Oatmeal in combination with mango, banana and coconut? Hmmm! A healthy breakfast and the perfect alternative to porridge. You need a maximum of five minutes to prepare it. What are you waiting for?

    Mango Overnight Oats im Glas

    Ingredients for two people

    • 1 Mango
    • 1 ripe banana
    • 100 g oat flakes, preferably sprouted (alternatively: Wholey Original Porridge )
    • 1 tbsp chia seeds
    • 1/2 tsp ground vanilla
    • 150 ml oat milk
    • 2 tbsp date syrup
    • 2 tablespoons of coconut yogurt
    • 1 tbsp coconut chips
    • 1 EL Tropical Twist Topping


    1. Peel the mango, remove the pulp from the core and chop into small pieces. Blend half of the mango with the banana in the blender until creamy and divide into two glasses.

    2. Mix oat flakes, chia seeds and vanilla in a bowl with plant-based drink. Stir in the date syrup. Spoon the oatmeal mixture onto the fruit mixture and place the jars in the refrigerator overnight.

    3. Top the next morning with coconut yogurt, the remaining mango, coconut chips and Tropical Twist topping.

    No mango on hand? Try the recipe with other fruit, such as frozen berries or cherries.

    Overnight Oats mit Pink Cashew, Feigen und Toppings

    Looking for more inspiration? Then try our pancakes made from porridge , the açaí smoothie with oats , sweet baked chocolate oats or pink overnight oats with smoothie bowl topping .

    Are you a porridge fan? Then our 12 porridge variations are just right for you. Have fun trying out the recipes!