Granola aus der Pfanne auf Smoothie Bowl mit Hand

Granola in the pan: lightning fast, vegan and easy

Prepare granola in the pan with very little effort and even less time. Maybe you don't have an oven in your vacation apartment or are even traveling in a van? Even then, this preparation variant is the ideal solution if you do not want to do without the crunchy breakfast star.

You can use your pan granola to make a delicious Granola Bowl or sprinkle a handful of the crunchy topping over your porridge.

You only need a few ingredients, which you may even already have at home. Cereal flakes as a base provide you with valuable fiber, while nuts and seeds provide healthy fats and the extra crunch. Dried mangoes and apricots add a touch of summer and refresh your crunchy muesli.

Granola in the pan: The recipe

Zutaten für Granola in Schälchen


  • 150 g oats
  • 25 g peeled almonds or slivered almonds
  • 25 g pumpkin seeds
  • 1 handful dried apricots
  • 1 handful of dried mango strips
  • 2 tablespoons syrup of your choice (e.g. agave syrup, rice syrup, date syrup)
  • 2 tablespoons virgin coconut oil
  • 1 pinch of salt


  1. Cut dried fruit into small pieces.
  2. Heat a non-stick frying pan over medium heat. Toast oatmeal for about 2 minutes until a wonderful toasted aroma appears. Add almonds and pumpkin seeds and toast for another 3 minutes.
  3. Add coconut oil. Stir the oatmeal-nut mixture well so that nothing burns.
  4. Add syrup and salt, stirring constantly. Remove pan from heat and let granola cool well in it.
  5. Enjoy granola directly or store in a well-sealed jar for up to two weeks.


Make sure that no sugar has been added to the dried fruit and go for organic quality.

You can replace the dried fruits as you like, for example with raisins, cranberries, banana chips, coconut chips, coconut flakes or dried pineapple.

You can also replace the almonds and pumpkin seeds with your favorite nuts and seeds: Hazelnuts, cashews, pistachios or pecans, sunflower seeds, flax seeds or sesame seeds provide variety in your topping.

Granola auf pinker Smoothie Bowl

However, make sure that the ratio of dry and liquid ingredients remains unchanged so that the crunchy muesli retains its crunchy consistency.

You can not go fast enough? Then you still have the coziest of all variants at your disposal: Order Crunchy Granola online, open the bag and enjoy!

If you have a little more time, you can also bake your crunchy granola in the oven. We have created three delicious granola recipes

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