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Breakfast Heros

Annika Drazek

Annika Drazek

Geburtsdatum: 11.04.1995Karrierestart: 2014 Breakfast routine: "First a large glass of water, put on some relaxing music, prepare and drink the first fresh coffee. Accompanied by either a warm porridge or a frozen bowl. But always fruit."Lieblings-Bowl: Tropical BowlFavorite topping: fruit, nut butter  ...

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Wholey Breakfast Hero Julia Taubitz jubelt

Julia Taubitz

Who are you and what do you do?

I'm Julia, I practice luge, live in the beautiful Ore Mountains and train in Thuringia.

What does a typical day for you look like?

I usually get up shortly before 7:00 a.m., do a little yoga session and prepare a delicious breakfast. My training usually starts at 8:30 a.m. with a warm-up game - be it football, volleyball or basketball.

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Freeskierin Sabrina Cakmakli ist Teil der Breakfast Heroes von Wholey

Sabrina Cakmakli

Please introduce yourself briefly: who are you and what do you do?
I'm Sabrina Cakmakli, I'm 25 years old and I'm part of the German national freeski team. My discipline is the halfpipe and so I am constantly chasing the snow, the best training conditions and the competitions all year round.

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Blog posts

Kleine Schritte, große Wirkung - Einfache Tipps, wie du dich gesünder ernähren kannst

Kleine Schritte, große Wirkung - Einfache Tipps, wie du dich gesünder ernähren kannst

Mehr pflanzliche Lebensmittel, weniger Zucker, viel Wasser trinken. Wir haben ein paar einfache Tipps zusammengestellt, wie du dich im Alltag besser ernähren kannst.

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Cerealien zum Frühstück: So wird die Zuckerfalle zum gesunden Genuss

Cereals for breakfast: This is how the sugar trap becomes a healthy pleasure

Sweet, crunchy and colorful: We love cereals - because nothing beats a bowl of our childhood memories for breakfast! Breakfast cereals have become a timeless favorite that lets us start the day with a big grin - no matter what...

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Nüsse sind gesund: Das sind die vielen Benefits

Nuts are healthy: these are the many benefits

Trail mix doesn't get its name by chance - nuts are said to improve brain function, among many other health benefits. We want to know: How can nuts have a positive effect on health, which nuts should we definitely snack...

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