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Grieß kannst Du ganz einfach zuhause selbst herstellen

Making your own semolina is easy with the right technique

Even grandma knew: semolina tastes delicious and is healthy! Not only is it rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements, it also contains hardly any fat, sugar or saturated fatty acids. It also provides a lot of fiber and is...

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In Grieß steckten viele Ballaststoffe und Eiweiß

There's real protein in there: semolina, its nutritional values ​​and calories

Most of us first think of carbohydrates and sugar when we see semolina products. But life isn't just about carbohydrates - luckily! It's all about the semolina. Nutritional values of spelt whole grain semolina Fatty acids: The Omega family in...

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Grieß Bowl mit Früchten und Toppings

Semolina rediscovered: The classic is so healthy and delicious

Hardly any other grain product divides opinion so much: some people hate it, others can't live without it since they first ate it out of the pot in Grandma's kitchen. We're talking about semolina, of course. Food Science: What is...

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Purer Milchreis ist keine Kalorienbombe

This is what's in rice pudding: nutritional values ​​and calories at a glance

Childhood classic and feel-good meal - that's probably the best way to describe rice pudding . In our article about our basic rice pudding recipe, we've already told you a lot about this nutritious dessert: which type of rice is...

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Am Welttag des Naturschutzes vegan essen

World Nature Conservation Day: What would actually happen if everyone ate a vegan diet?

Fewer greenhouse gases, protecting forests and biodiversity and conserving resources: It is well proven that by avoiding animal foods we have a direct impact on our environment. And yet the trend is in the opposite direction: as the world population increases, so does the hunger for meat, cheese and eggs.

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Vegane Ernährung beim Frühstück

Vegans can no longer hear these annoying sentences

Sunday morning, 10:30 a.m. You sit relaxed with your family at the breakfast table, sip dreamily on your oat milk latte and don't suspect anything bad. However, as soon as you take the first bite of your avocado sandwich, they start: annoying comments about your diet - your VEGAN diet. And not only that: your family is actually running at full speed today. As vegans, we can no longer hear these sentences with the best will in the world.

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Vegane Ernährung unterstützt den Umweltschutz

How you can protect the environment with your diet

World Environment Day takes place annually on June 5th. The United Nations established it in 1972 to promote global awareness and action to protect the environment. The day is now celebrated in over 150 countries and is intended to encourage and make everyone aware that everyone can do something for the earth - let's just start with our diet!

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Jacqueline Otchere setzt auf vegane Ernährung

#veganuary - Interview with Jacqueline Otchere

Many people use January to start the new year with lots of good resolutions. In addition to more sport and exercise, nutrition is often on the list of desired improvements. Veganuary - the word is made up of the word vegan and the English january - is a non-profit organization and campaign that encourages people around the world to go purely plant-based (at least temporarily). to feed. Because we all now know that a plant-based diet is not only one of the most effective measures to protect the environment and our climate, but also to avoid animal suffering and can have a positive effect on our health.

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Veganuary: Christian Weber kocht vegan

#veganuary – Interview with chef Christian Weber

Many people use January to start the new year with lots of good resolutions. In addition to more sport and exercise, nutrition is often on the list of desired improvements. Veganuary - the word is made up of the word vegan and the English january - is a non-profit organization and campaign that encourages people around the world to go purely plant-based (at least temporarily). to feed. Because we all now know that a plant-based diet is not only one of the most effective measures to protect the environment and our climate, but can also avoid animal suffering and have a positive effect on our health.

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