Porridge Nährwerte und Kalorien

Porridge nutritional values and calories

Porridge is either healthy and watery or soaked in syrup and bulging with calories? You thought wrong! Porridge can also be creamy and refined with delicious toppings a healthy treat. At the same time, porridge keeps you full for a long time and prevents cravings. Reason enough to learn more about the power breakfast.

  1. Porridge nutritional values
  2. Macronutrients in porridge
  3. How much protein provides porridge?
  4. Vitamins and trace elements in porridge
  5. Fiber bomb porridge
  6. How many calories has porridge?
  7. Can porridge help you lose weight?

    We show you how to integrate important nutrients into your breakfast diet. At the same time, you'll stay on top of things and avoid accidentally setting off a calorie bomb.

    Porridge nutritional values

    Porridge made from oatmeal is not only delicious and versatile. It also keeps you full for a long time and is packed with nutrients, especially protein and fiber. With just a few ingredients you can prepare a delicious breakfast and at the same time cover a large portion of your daily requirement of many vital substances. Haferbrei pur in Schale

    Per 100 grams oatmeal contains:

    • 372 kilocalories/ 1562 KJ Calorific value
    • 59 g carbohydrates (of which 0.7 g sugar)
    • 10 g dietary fiber
    • 14 g Protein
    • 7 g Fat
    • 0,02 g Salt

      Oatmeal are with the Nutritional values of semolina comparable in terms of protein and fiber. However, the flakes from oats contain significantly more fat and fewer carbohydrates.

      Macronutrients in porridge

      A classic porridge based on oatmeal offers the optimal composition of the three macronutrients carbohydrates, protein and fat. Macronutrients are considered the basic building blocks of nutrition and are essential for all metabolic processes that occur in the body.

      Carbohydrates are important energy suppliers, protein and fat are needed by the body for vital processes: These include the formation of muscles and bones and the building of cell walls. Fat is also necessary to absorb and process fat-soluble vitamins. A porridge for breakfast therefore not only makes you full and happy, but also provides the basis for an energetic day.

      How much protein does porridge provide?

      Oatmeal provides about 14 grams of protein per 100 grams.

      If you want to increase the protein content, use soy or pea-based milk alternatives for your porridge instead of water, oat or almond drink. Depending on the product, these provide up to 5 grams of protein per 100 ml.

      Porridge mit Banane, Mandeln und Nussmus

      Not only the oatmeal provides protein for breakfast: a delicious topping of Nussmus or nuts and seeds provides the extra portion of protein. A dollop of soy yogurt rounds out your vegane Protein breakfast ab.

      Prepare your porridge with 50 grams of oatmeal with 250 pea-based vegetable drink and top your breakfast with crunchy almonds (10 grams or 1 tablespoon) and creamy soy yogurt (30 grams or 2 tablespoons) for a protein content of about 23 grams per serving!

      Vitamine und Spurenelemente in Porridge

      In addition to the three macronutrients, you also need to take in micronutrients through your diet. These include vitamins and minerals. Although they do not provide energy and are only needed in small quantities, they are essential for many functions in the body.

      These vitamins provide porridge

      Oats and oatmeal are particularly rich in vitamin B1 and vitamin B6. The healthy grain also provides vitamin K and vitamin E.

      Trace elements in porridge

      Oats contain large amounts of magnesium, iron and calcium. Zinc is also found in the grain.

      This table shows you which tasks the most important micronutrients contained in oats fulfill and to what extent you can cover your daily requirement with 50 grams of oatmeal in a portion of porridge. Depending on which toppings and other ingredients you use, you can still optimize the supply.

      Micronutrient Function Coverage of the daily requirement according to DGE1
      Vitamin B1 Function of the nervous system 0,28 mg = 28%
      Vitamin B6 essential for many metabolic processes 0,05 mg = 3,6%
      Vitamin E protects skin cells from free radicals 0,4 mg = 3,3%
      Vitamin K Formation of blood clotting factors 31,5 µg = 52,5%
      Iron Oxygen transport 2,2 mg = 14,7%
      Zinc for skin, hair & nails + immune system 1,82 mg = 22%
      Calcium Stability of bones and teeth 8 mg = 0,8%
      Magnesium Muscle, brain, and nerve function 60,5 mg = 20,2%

      1Reference amounts for adult women between 25 and 51 years.

      You attach importance to a lot of iron in your diet? Then prepare a delicious millet porridge. The pseudo cereal is particularly rich in iron and is also ideal if you are also looking for a glutenfreies veganes Frühstück angewiesen bist.

      Fiber bomb porridge

      With a fiber content of around 10 percent, porridge made from whole grain oatmeal is one of the best sources of fiber you can find.

      Ballast is the indigestible plant fiber in a food. They can therefore not be used for energy production, but have many positive effects for health:

      1. Dietary fiber prevents heart disease, obesity and high blood pressure.
      2. A high-fiber diet can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.
      3. Dietary fiber helps with weight loss: It fills you up for a long time and causes the blood sugar level to rise only slowly after eating. The result: fewer cravings.
      4. An adequate supply of dietary fiber supports healthy digestion and keeps the intestinal flora healthy.

        Topped with fresh fruit and soy yogurt, you can further increase the amount of fiber on your breakfast table. Fun Fact: Animal foods contain little or no fiber.

        How many calories does porridge have?

        One thing first: fewer calories does not mean that a meal is healthier. If you do not provide your body with sufficient nutrients and are permanently far below your calorie requirements, important bodily functions cannot be maintained. You should never jeopardize your health for a calorie deficit.

        How many calories your porridge ultimately has depends on the ingredients you use. More important than the calorie content, however, is that you choose wholesome foods that taste good and fill you up.

        Calculate calorie content of porridge

        For our Grundrezept we assume 50 grams of oatmeal. This gives you about 175 calories.

        If you cook your porridge with water and salt only, the bill is already finished - but the taste is very bland.

        If, on the other hand, you cook the oats in 250 ml of milk with 3.5% fat, you add about 160 kcal. The vegan version with oat drink, on the other hand, only adds about half the calorie content.

        Porridge mit Pfirsich und Cashews

        Sweeteners have a high energy density. It doesn't matter if you use honey, date syrup or agave syrup. For one teaspoon you have to calculate with about 30 calories.

        And last but not least: toppings! If you add delicious spices like cinnamon, cardamom or vanilla, you'll give your porridge a heavenly flavor - without adding calories. It's a different story, however, with nut purees, nuts, fruit, or granola.

        Is all this calculating too complicated for you? We show you with this veganen Porridge Rezepte, How many calories your breakfast might contain:

        Recipe Base (50g) Liquid Toppings Calories
        Einfaches Super Porridge Cocoa Tigernut Porridge 250 ml Oat drink 50 g Strawberries + 1 tbsp cocoa nibs 386 kcal
        Overnight Oats Original Super Porridge 100 ml Almond drink 50 Blueberries + 1 tsp Almond Candy + 1 tbsp Pistachios 583 kcal
        Hirse Porridge Hirse 250 ml Almond Drink raspberry-rhubarb compote + 1 tsp pink cashew 450 kcal

        The topping makes the difference

        We now know: Oatmeal itself is nutrient-rich, relatively low in calories and makes you full for a long time. Whether or not your porridge becomes a calorie bomb depends mainly on the topping.

        This list gives you an overview of the approximate energy content of our favorite toppings:

        • 1 TL Almond paste: 65 kcal
        • 1 Tbsp Cacao nibs: 60 kcal
        • 1 Tbsp Chia seeds: 70 kcal
        • 1 Tbsp Pumpkin seeds: 60 kcal
        • 1 Banana: 120 kcal
        • 50 g Blueberries: 20 kcal
        • 1 Tbsp Raisins: 30 kcal
        • 1 TL Honig: 30 kcal
        • 1 Tbsp Sojajoghurt: 12 kcal

        Porridge mit Mango und Blaubeeren

          So you see:

          1. Nuts and seeds have comparatively many calories, but they also provide healthy fats that you should not do without.

          2. Honey or syrup should be used in moderation: One teaspoon is often enough to sweeten your porridge.

          3. Dried fruit and fresh fruit are delicious and sweet, but they differ greatly in the amount of calories they contain. If you want to lose weight, it's better to go for fresh berries. Dates and the like are always a good choice to satisfy your appetite for sweets.

          However, using toppings sparingly does not mean that you should do without them altogether. Fresh fruit, nuts, seeds and kernels are important components of a healthy diet and provide important vitamins, fatty acids, protein and iron. Also make Bowl Toppings your breakfast only really delicious!

          Tipp: Diese Porridge Toppings, reminiscent of sweet dessert, not only taste outrageously good, but are also all prepared without refined sugar.

          How many calories per day do I need?

          Do not underestimate your daily calorie needs. This is very individual and depends, among other things, on age, gender, weight and physical activity. According to the Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ernährung the daily requirement for adults aged 25 to 51 is between 1,800 and 2,400 calories.

          If you eat three meals a day, these should therefore come to between 600 and 800 calories. A handful of nuts or a teaspoon of nut puree as a topping on your oatmeal is definitely in there!

          Schneidebrett und Porridge mit Pfirsich

          How many grams of oatmeal should I eat for breakfast?

          The answer to this is simple: as many as you need to be full. If you're not full and satisfied after just the first meal, cravings are guaranteed. Better give power breakfasts the opportunity to provide you with the energy you need until lunch. If you don't have a lot of time to prepare your oatmeal hot in the morning, you can turn to overnight oats.

          is porridge suitable for weight loss?

          Surely you know the effect: After a delicious oatmeal for breakfast you hold out with ease without snack and hunger until lunch.

          In einer Studie, published in the American Journal of Nutrition, scientists compared porridge and oatmeal-based breakfast cereals. The results are unsurprising and confirm our gut feeling: porridge keeps you full longer and reduces cravings. The calorie intake at lunch is also lower after a tasty porridge breakfast compared to a cereal breakfast. The reason for these results is the high proportion of fiber and protein in porridge. Porridge can therefore help you lose weight.












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